Recrutam un avocat (intern) pentru o cunoscuta companie multinationala, cu afaceri foarte mari si complexe in Romania. Acesta va fi subordonat Legal Director si va avea activitati secializte in domeniile corporate si data protection, de felul celor enumerate mai jos. Jobul este in Bucuresti, salariul si beneficii specifice sunt cele la nivelul companiilor multinationale. Limba engleza trebuie cunoscuta la un nivel inalt.
- Drafting and negotiating the legal contracts with suppliers, experts, vendors, etc.
- Verifies the legality of all kind of documents for legal approval
- Legal research for all new or running projects
- Provides consultancy, legal assistance and support for all the departments in the strategic projects that the company needs; analyse of the current situation, exposure of legal risks, verification and approval of documentation, recommends legal solutions
- Drafting legal information on pending projects
- Participates actively in negotiations or other meetings where legal support is mandatory
- Represents and assists the company in front of the Courts, Trade Registry, in front of Police, other authorities or in front of other persons when required
- Coordinates the strategy (active involving) and discuss with external lawyers
- Legal reports
- Drafting legal information on pending projects
- Compliance